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C# Templates for Experior 7

With a developer license for Experior 7 it is possible to create custom catalogs, controllers, plugins and more in your Experior model. We have three different templates packaged in a .vsix (Visual Studio Integration Extension) file that you can download and run, as long as you have Experior 7 and Visual Studio installed.

To avoid confusion, we recommend removing the old Catalog, Controller and Plugin templates before installing the new ones.


Removing old templates

To remove the old Visual Studio templates:

Close Visual Studio

Navigate to the C# visual studio template folder.

The standard path for this is:
C:\Users\ your username \Documents\Visual Studio 20XX\Templates\ProjectTemplates\(Visual) C#

Delete the zip files named:

“”, “” and “”.

If you get an error dialog saying:

This extension is already installed to all applicable products”

You can navigate to:


If any of the folders here contain Experior template files. Delete the folder. Then try running the VSIX installer again.

Output path

By default, the output path of the templates is set to the default installation location of the Experior executable.

This is defined by the environment variable: “EXPERIOR7_BIN” which is created when you install Experior 7. (C:\Xcelgo\Xcelgo Experior 7)

This means that when you build your project, the project output (*.dll) is created in that folder.

Make sure “Copy local” is set to “false” for Experior specific dll’s.

You can change this output path through the project properties. But in order for Experior to load it, you need to provide an External Libraries location.

This can be done in several ways:
– Through the catalog selector’s External Libraries dropdown when Experior is started with “-config”
– Through using a Startup Configuration file when Experior is started with “-startupconfiguration <file>”
– Through an External Libraries path when Experior is started with “-libs <path>”

You can also manually drag and drop the dll from the folder you build to, into the Experior installation folder.


When using an External Library folder, any dll that is present in both the External Library folder and the Experior installation folder causes errors.