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Internal communication

Experior provides an infrastructure for sending messages between objects.

In the Developer samples catalog an example of how to do this can be found.


The basic steps are;

  1. Register an object as a listener.
Core.Communication.Internal.AddListener(object listener, RecieveMessage method)

For example.

Core.Communication.Internal.AddListener(this, ReceiveMethod);

Where a method like this should be provided.

void ReceiveMethod(object sender, object reciever, object message, bool broadcast)

2. Send a message to a known receiver.

Core.Communication.Internal.SendMessage(object sender, object reciever, object message)

Broadcast a message to all listeners.

Core.Communication.Internal.BroadcastMessage(object sender, object message)

Broadcast a message to all listeners of a specific type.

Core.Communication.Internal.BroadcastMessage(object sender, Type recieverType, object message)

Broadcast a message to all listeners of a specific type (FullName).

Core.Communication.Internal.BroadcastMessage(object sender, string recieverTypeFullName, object message)

3. When an object should stop listen or is disposed it should be removed.

Core.Communication.Internal.RemoveListener(object listener)

Note: The specified delegate of the reciever is executed synchronously.

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