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Open Office XML
PostedNovember 5, 2021
UpdatedNovember 5, 2021
ByKasper Vestrup
The Experior.Core.Data library includes a tool for creating Office Open XML spreadsheets
The sample below shows how to create a work book with a sheet called “Data”
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(@"c:\Test.xlsx");
if (file.Exists)
file.Delete(); // ensures we create a new workbook
file= new FileInfo(@"c:\Test.xlsx");
using (Experior.Core.Data.OfficeOpenXml.Excel excel = new Experior.Core.Data.OfficeOpenXml.Excel(newFile))
Experior.Core.Data.OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet sheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Date");
sheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Data";
sheet.Cells[3, 1].Value = "1";
sheet.Cells[3, 2].Value = "2";
sheet.Cells[4, 1].Value = "3";
sheet.Cells[4, 2].Value = "4";
Use the sheet:Cells[x,y].Style to set background color, font, border etc.