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PostedNovember 5, 2021
UpdatedNovember 5, 2021
ByKasper Vestrup
STX/ETX is a high level transport protocol used for exchanging messages with exterior systems. Can be set up to use serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485) or an ethernet connection.
TCP/IP Properties
- Identification
- Name – Customizable name
- Id – Customizable Id
- Validation
- MVT – Select the MVT (Message Validation Template) being used for this protocol
- Communication
- Port – Port used for communication between Experior and “Device”
- IP Address – Type in IP address (only available if Mode = Client)
- Mode – Select “Server” or “Client”
- Auto Connect – Activate or Deactivate whether Experior should try to automatically connect to the “Device”
Serial Properties
- Identification
- Name – Customizable name
- Id – Customizable Id
- Port Settings
- Port Name – Select the name of the port, COM1 for example
- Baud Rate – Select the baud rate at which to connect
- Parity – Choose from Odd, Even, Mark or Space
- Data Bits – Enter the number of data bits to be used
- Stop Bits – Choose from One, Two or OnePointFive.
- Line Signals
- DTR – Select if DTR (Data Terminal Ready) is to be used
- RTS – Select if RTS (Request To Send) is to be used
- Handshake – Choose from XOnXOff, RequestToSend or RequestToSendXOnXOff handshake protocols
- Communication
- Auto Connect – Activate or Deactivate whether Experior should try to automatically connect to the “Device”